Garage door locks are certainly very important components to any home security system, but like most types of locks, they should also be used and maintained correctly in order to provide an optimum level of security to your home and garage door. To do this, you will need to understand the correct function of your garage doors. They aren't just there to protect your garage doors, they are also there to protect your home.
Unless you actually keep valuables inside your garage, it should be considered as a point of vulnerability, and not as an actual target. What this means is that when burglars breaks into your garage, they are usually only interested in doing so because your garage provides them with access to the rest of your home. In this way, garage door security should not be seen as a standalone issue, but rather as the extension of your entire home security system. So if you require advice on how to secure your garage doors then here are several tips that will help you along.
1. Install A Padlock On the Throw Latch Whenever You Leave Your Home for Extended Periods of Time
In addition to your existing garage door locks, you should also put a padlock on your throw latch whenever you leave for extended trips. A C-Clamp tightened down on each side of your garage door track will provide your garage doors with additional security. Also, the presence of additional locks can help to compliment the security offered by your garage door locks.
2. Install A Deadbolt Lock On The Door Which Separates Your House And Your Garage
Any lock which secures your garage doors from unwanted entry can be considered as garage door locks. So aside from installing garage door locks on your garage doors, you should also install a deadbolt lock on the door which separates your home and your garage. Not only is this is a practical security measure, it's also a good way of keeping guests in your house from needlessly wandering into your garage.
3. Get A Keychain Remote Control Opener
A keychain remote opener is often more convenient and practical than a remote that is clipped to your visor, and this is because you can leave them on your keys. Also, remote control openers are easier to use, and are much more convenient during evenings.
4. Avoid Leaving Your Garage Door Open
An open garage door is an open invitation to someone to come in grab something. This holds true for any neighborhood, so keep your garage doors closed and locked. It may seem inconvenient at times, but it does offer increased security, which matters even more than convenience.
5. Regularly Maintain Your Garage Door Locks
Finally, you should carry out regular maintenance on your locks in order to prevent corrosion and other similar problems. Check their frame, their hinges and any replaceable items that they might have. Carrying out these kinds of maintenance is not only good for your garage's security, they can also help extend the effective lifespan of your locks. For lock installations and replacements, visit our locksmith website on