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May 3, 2018

Fingerprint Locks




Before you buy a fingerprint lock for your home, make sure that it has all the features you need. To do this, you will need a checklist of items to determine which features you want and which features you don't need.

Remember that the more features a fingerprint lock has, the more money it will cost you. This is why you should only buy a fingerprint lock if you are confident that it offers the right value for your money. So to help you find a fingerprint lock which matches your security needs, here are a few features that you should consider.

The dimensions of a fingerprint lock is important because they determine how well the device will fit into your doors. Most fingerprint locks are relatively small, usually 8 by 8 by 8 inches, but there are also plenty of large variants for big doors.



Power requirement is another issue that you will need to consider when buying a fingerprint lock. 4 AA Batteries, for example, are widely used for many battery powered fingerprint locks. However, more powerful locks may have higher power requirements, and these types of locks may have to be integrated into your home's electrical system.

It's also worth mentioning that different fingerprint locks have different voltages. A common voltage for a fingerprint lock is 5 to 6 volts. However, locks which have more advanced features may require higher voltages and additional sources of power. So if you don't need a lot of features, get a fingerprint lock doesn't need a lot of power.



Despite their electronic features, fingerprint locks are still locks, and like many locks, they need to be tough and durable in order to prevent tampering. Brass, Steel and Zinc-Alloy are commonly used to construct the outer casing of many electronic locks, including fingerprint locks. However, given their many components, many fingerprint locks incorporate many other materials, and you will need to consider these carefully if you want a durable lock for your home.



Many fingerprint locks can record hundreds of individual user fingerprint. For business establishments, like offices and hotels, this feature can be quite helpful. However, if you're planning to install your fingerprint lock on your home's doors then there's no need to buy a lock records hundreds of fingerprint data. A dozen or so should be enough for your needs.



A good fingerprint lock needs to have reliable backup features. Pass codes and backup keys are good examples of backup features, and they allow you to access your fingerprint lock in the event that it suffers a malfunction. As a general rule, the more backup systems a fingerprint lock has, the better.



Finally, it's worth mentioning that a good fingerprint lock needs to be resistant against intense heat and moisture. This is particularly true with regards to its scanner and electronic components, as they are the most important components of the lock.
So if you're going to buy a fingerprint lock, be sure to consider the various types of features discussed here and find an experienced and reliable locksmith in your area.

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